Hot Summer Plumbing Tips
The hottest season of the year is on! Summer’s rising temperatures can often mean an increase in water usage for everyone. It’s estimated that a family’s water usage can increase by almost 50% during the warmest months of the year. Your local plumbers at Four Star Plumbing are always looking for ways to save you money, and cut your water bill down. So, following some of these tips can lead to huge savings for you.
Protect Your Garbage Disposal.
While you are enjoying the summer picnics and barbecues with friends and family, remember to follow these simple tips to keep your disposal running smoothly and strong.
o Try not to put celery, onion peels, or other fibrous foods in the disposal…these are very difficult for the blades to grind up, meaning they’re more like to cause a blockage.)
o Do not dump grease down the drain. Even if you run hot water afterwards it can still solidify, just as it does in your pans.
o Keep bones from going down into the disposal. Not only is it not good for the disposal, it’s loud.
o Keep pasta, potatoes, rice, or coffee out of your garbage disposal for the same reasons as above.
o Don’t force large amounts of food down disposal all at once.
Fix Broken Toilets.
You know that toilet that makes a funny sound after you flush or has to have the handle jiggled just right? This toilet could be costing you hundreds of dollars a month from wasted water. And with the summer month’s meaning the whole family is home from school, it means your toilets will be doing double duty with the demand. We recently wrote up an article on all the ways your toilet can be a drain on your wallet.
Washing Machines
Since the whole family is home, it might seem like laundry never ends. Make sure you give your washing machine a good inspection once in a while, visually inspect the hoses and machine. The lifetime of a rubber washing machine hose should be replaced approximately every 3 years. And not replacing it when it does start to wear can mean massive leaks and costly repairs.
Leaky Hose Faucets/Bibs
When using your outdoor water faucet or bib, be sure to check for leaks. A small leak can be very costly to you and can possibly damage your home. A leaky hose faucet can cause issues with your foundation and siding creating even more expensive and bigger issues down the road. Give us a call today to get them fixed!
Most Importantly, Keep an Eye on Water Usage
From washing your car to filling the inflatable pool, there’s a lot of extra water usage happening in the summertime. Right now is the best time to inspect your household appliances for any signs of wear and tear. Have a look at your bills to examine the Month-over-Month water consumption for any signs there is a leak somewhere in your home. Something as simple as a running toilet or dripping faucet can run up big bills over the course of the summer.