How Wildlife Can Ruin Your Plumbing

How Wildlife Can Ruin Your Plumbing

Why Wildlife and Plumbing Do Not Mix Many homeowners’ know that they will have unexpected costs that come with their ownership.  Probably one of the most unsavory of these costs is any from the use of pest control. The idea of an infestation of rats or less

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Garbage Disposal 101: Cleaning

Garbage Disposal 101: Cleaning

Tips for Using and Cleaning your Garbage Disposal What would you consider one of the hardest working appliances you have? What if I told you one of them was your garbage disposal? And when you really think about it, your disposal puts in some extreme work. It

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How To Tell You Need Pipe Repair

How To Tell You Need Pipe Repair

  4 Easy Ways to Tell Your Pipes Need to be Replaced You have noticed your water bill has tripled, a spot in your garage is constantly wet, and you cannot seem to figure out where a hissing sound is coming from, and you wonder if they

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What’s Going On With California’s Water?

What's Going On With California's Water?

California’s Aggressive Water Problem. You live in California and notice that all your neighbors are having the pipes leaking. Your home has been leak-free for the most part, what are you to do to keep it that way? Well first you need to understand WHY your neighbors

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The Scary Truth About Drain Cleaners

The Scary Truth About Drain Cleaners

The scary truth about drain cleaners Imagine you woke up tomorrow and your bathroom sink refused to drain. It is now filled with toothpaste and has ruined your morning routine. What do you do now? Hopefully, it is to call a Plumber and not rush to the

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Hot Summer Plumbing Tips

Hot Summer Plumbing Tips

Hot Summer Plumbing Tips The hottest season of the year is on! Summer’s rising temperatures can often mean an increase in water usage for everyone. It’s estimated that a family’s water usage can increase by almost 50% during the warmest months of the year. Your local plumbers

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Orange County Plumbing Rebates

Orange County Plumbing Rebates

Orange County Utility Rebate List Are you an Orange County resident? Are you looking to save some money and replace a few plumbing fixtures? Then you are in luck, there are plenty of plumbing rebates to be found at your local municipalities that can end up saving

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5 Ways To Tell You Need A New Water Heater

5 Ways To Tell You Need A New Water Heater

Water Heater Issues 101 A water heater on its last limb can lead to ice cold showers, or at its worst, thousands of dollars in water damage. This is one of the reasons why Four Star Plumbing stresses that homeowners take extra precaution when they have an

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